Simple otp with nodejs


author small image Siva Kishore G
Posted : 30 Jan 2022
Modified : 06 Jun 2022
Intermediate Developers
Simple node js otp service


OTP stands for "One Time Password" which is very common in applications that need a lot of security. For example, online transactions require an otp generated and sent to the right user's mobile / email to verify the authenticity of the transaction.

In this tutorial we will use SendGrid's email and node js to send and verify the otps. OTPs are short lived and require regeneration upon expiry. We will discuss 3 ways to store, retrieve and set expiry for the otp. Choose any method you like to include in your project.

  1. DynamoDB with TTL

    Dynamodb TTL

    Amazon's DynamoDB has a concept of TTL, which means after a certain time, the record will be deleted. This method is cost effective and might be even free if you are in the range of AWS's free tier. The downside to this method is, table reads may not be consistent. Read more

    npm install --save aws-sdk
    let AWS = require('aws-sdk')
    AWS.config.loadFromPath(__dirname + '/awsCreds.json')
    let db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
  2. Redis Server (recommended)

    The Redis server stores key pair values and it's really fast since the objects are stored in the memory. Store the values with expiry time and retrieve it as needed. Follow this tutorial if you need to install it on your ubuntu server. It's so surprising how little documentation is there for the redis npm package. Mostly it has to be inferred from the official redis documentations.

    npm install redis --save
    import { createClient } from 'redis'; // IF ES5/ES6
    // var { createClient } = require('redis'); // Without ES
    (async () => {
      const client = createClient();
      client.on('error', (err) => console.log('Redis Client Error', err));
      await client.connect();
      await client.set('key', 'value');
      const value = await client.get('key');
    await client.set('key', 'value', {
      EX: 10,  // Expiry in seconds
      NX: true  // Set expiry only when the key has no expiry
  3. JWT

    This is by far the easiest implementation, but not as secure as the above two. This is best suited for email verifications, account verification by link etc.

    npm install jsonwebtoken --save
    var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
    var jwtSecret = 'my-secret-key'
    var token = jwt.sign({
      userid: '',
      code : '1234'
    }, jwtSecret, {
      expiresIn: 180

Send email

As mentioned before, I'm using sendgrid's npm package to send emails. You can create a free account and send upto 100 emails per day (at the time of writing this article) which is more than sufficient for a small sized project. Using sendgrid, you can send HTML emails and simple text emails in one shot. Create a Mailer.js file and paste the code below. Design an email HTML template and place it in the same folder with a name otpTemplate.html Rest of the code is self explanatory.

// Mailer.js file
const mail = require('@sendgrid/mail');

function sendMail(args,cb){
  var fs = require('fs')
  fs.readFile(__dirname + '/otpTemplate.html','utf8', (err, data) => {
    if(err) return cb("Error reading file",null)
    let msg = {
      to: '',
      from: args.emailid,
      replyTo: args.emailid,
      subject: 'Verify the account with OTP',
      html: data.replace.replace("{{OTP}}",args.otp),
      text: `Your otp for the account validartion is ${args.otp} and is valid for next 10 minutes`
    mail.send(msg, (error,result)=>{

module.exports.sendMail = sendMail

Send SMS

There are many third party services such as , Twilio (most common), msg91 charge competitive prices to send OTPs to mobile phones. Each message is chargable. It's out of the scope of this tutorial to get into all those. But, if you like to give it a shot, try twilio and if you like to be more cost effective, try AWS SNS.

Process (with database)

OTP flow Process
OTP verification Process

Now that you understand the basic concept and the flow, try it on your own. If you are still not clear on how to implement it, see the loosely coupled code below.

  • Request OTP and save it in DynamoDB'/request-otp', (req,res)=>{
      var otp = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000)
        TableName: 'otps',
        Item: {
          username: req.body.emailid,
          otp: otp
      }, (err, data) => {
        if (err) return res.status(503).send("Unable to generate OTP. Try again later")
        var args = {
          emailid: req.body.emailid,
          expires_at: + 180000, // 180 seconds expiry and the field expires_at is configured as TTL
          otp: otp
          if (err) return res.status(503).send("Unable to send email. Try again later")
          res.send("OTP Sent Successfully. Check your email")
  • Request OTP and save it in redis

    var { createClient }=  require('redis');'/request-otp', async (req,res)=>{
      var otp = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000)
      var client = createClient();
      await client.connect();
      await client.set('otp', otp, { EX : 180 })
      var args = {
        emailid: req.body.emailid,
        expires_at: + 180000, // 180 seconds expiry and the field expires_at is configured as TTL
        otp: otp
        if (err) return res.status(503).send("Unable to send email. Try again later")
        res.send("OTP Sent Succesfully. Check your email")
  • Retrieve the OTP from DynamoDB'/verify-otp', (req,res)=>{
        TableName : 'users',
        Key : {username:req.body.emailid}
      }, (err, data) => {
        if (err) return res.status(503).send("Unable to verify OTP. Try again later")
        if (!data.Item.otp) return res.status(422).send("Invalid otp. Resend OTP") // use this status code to prompt the user to resend the otp
        if(data.Item.otp !== req.body.otp) return res.status(401).send("Incorrect OTP")
        res.send("OTP verified")
  • Retrieve the OTP from Redis

    var { createClient }=  require('redis');'/verify-otp', (req,res)=>{
      client = createClient();
      await client.connect();
      const otp = await client.get('otp');
      if(otp !== req.body.otp) return res.status(401).send("Incorrect OTP")
      res.send("OTP verified")


In this tutorial, we have discussed all three methods of OTP generation and verification. I'm leaving the JWT code method implementation to your expertise. Now, which method do you like and why?, please post your comments in the comment section below.

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