9+ Most Beautiful Dashboards Designed with Bootstrap 5 | Free


author small image Siva Kishore G
Posted : 04 Feb 2023
Modified : 10 Mar 2023
Intermediate Developers

What is a Dashboard

A dashboard in UI design refers to certain metrics such as KPIs (Key Perfomance Indicators), graphs, and simply put the status of all the systems / functionalites put together. A well designed dashboard should be visually appealing, intuitive and provide a clear overview of the data its presenting. Different industried employ different kind of dashboard. Lets see some of them here.

These are starter dashboards designed with bootstrap 5.

  1. Director's Dashboard
  2. Sales Dashboard
  3. Credit Card Dashboard
  4. Online Company Dashboard
  5. ECommerce Dashboard
  6. Sales Dashboard with Map
  7. Inbox dashboard (template 1)
  8. Inbox dashboard (template 2)
  9. Inbox dashboard (template 3)
  10. Payment Dashboard (Embossed Cards)

1. Director's Dashboard

The is a dashboard perfect for directors, owners, CEOs and company administrative officers etc. This will give a complete picture of financial status of the company including custom notes and schedules etc. The blue sidebar toggles into full menu with lables. A complete mobile responsive dashboard template for you.

Director's Dashboard

2. Sale's dashboard

This is another sales dashboard with featured map. For representation, I've used an embedded google map location. In this dashboard, you will have metrics of revenue, customers & aquisition, profit, current sales and sources of income. The layout folds into the metrics view with drawer functinality for the menu at smaller break-points.

Sales Dashboard

3. Credit Card dashboard

An elegant looking dashboard to track an analyse your credit card bills. Perfect for banking industries. This dashboard features, notifications, inbox, recent activity, upcoming payments and bill payment history.

Creit card Dashboard

4. Online Company dashboard

Similar to the first template this is suitable for director level members of the company of an online business. In this template, you will get to see your online views, followers/subscribers, top performers and channels of income.

Online Company Dashboard

5. ECommerce Dashboard

A dark themed template for the ecommerce industry. Analytics are typically from the connected website. A total responsive dashboard. Further work is underway to make this a light themed too.

Online Company Dashboard

6. Sales Dashboard with Map

A dark themed template for the ecommerce industry. Analytics are typically from the connected website. A total responsive dashboard. Further work is underway to make this a light themed too.

Sales Dashboard with map

7. Inbox Dashboard (template 1)

Inbox dashboard designed with bootstrap 5. This UI consists of three panels. Left most is navigation, the center one is for content and the right most panel is the email content. This UI collapses into single panel and the navigation pane is converted into a drawer layout. With much of spacing, this layout provides a relaxed feel.

Inbox Dashboard template 1

8. Inbox Dashboard (template 2)

A professional inbox layout designed with bootstrap 5. This layout is more suitable for desktops and tablets. Gives a compact look with beautiful layout and appropriate spacing between elements. At smaller breakpoints, the navigation panel disappears and a hamburger icon appears at the right top corner which toggles the navigation panel.

Inbox Dashboard template 2

9. Inbox Dashboard (template 3)

Simple layout dashboard with three panels. Appropriate for large displays. The third panel has pagination for emails. The center panel has user avatars / images. The left panel is the navigation panel which coverts into a drawer mode with the hamburget icon to toggle it.

Inbox Dashboard template 3

10. Payment Dashboard (Embossed Cards)

An eye catching dashboard perfect for payments and invoice generation. The dashboard consists of three accordions which expands to bills, invoices and history respectively. Since the navbar at the left is small. the complete layout looks the same at all breakpoints.

Inbox Dashboard template 3

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